Explore church fundraising ideas for unique fundraisers and profitable events. Discover fun new ideas for raising funds within your community and on the internet.
Your church is perfectly unique… and so are You. Your next church fundraiser can be too.
Every time you have a church fundraiser, you have the opportunity to extend the fundraising time beyond the course of the event. Learn how to make use of all the free resources on the internet to earn residual income for your church.
If you have a website, try to make it more profitable so you can sell goods, products and services to a world-wide audience. If you don’t have a website that helps you raise funds for your church… perhaps it’s time.
Ask one or more members of your community to donate their time and expertise to your church website. Ask everyone to submit original articles and photographs for additional content for your site. best church fundraisers
Discover ways where every member of your church can offer their own unique talents to help raise funds online. This is the future of sustainable church fundraising ideas.
One fundraising event will nourish your church for a day.
Learn more about internet fundraising
because a profitable website will nourish your church for a lifetime.
Best Church Fundraising Ideas
The fundraising ideas listed at the end of this page can be customized based on the demographics and interests of your church community.
You can add a religious theme to all of your Christian fundraisers. When appropriate, you can choose to keep your church fundraising events non-denominational. This may attract a wider group of people from beyond your congregation, which equals greater profits for your church.
Evaluate Your Resources
Aside from the many gifted and talented members of your community, what other resources do you have that can help you raise funds for your church?
All of these resources are opportunities to help your congregation make extra money for themselves and for you to raise funds for your church.
- A large church parking lot for sales
- A spacious kitchen to prepare breakfasts, lunches and dinners
- Available land that can be used by organic farmers
- Office space that can be rented out
- A newsletter that would appeal to sponsors
- Other resources
All of your resources offer potential money-making opportunities for fundraising ideas for your church and your community.
This great website for free church forms is easy to use and will save you time and money when you organize your next church fundraiser or fundraising event. You can download, modify, and print church forms, flyers, church certificates, and more… all for free.
Here are a few unique fundraising ideas for your church to get you started.
- Host a fun and profitable Church Barter Fair. Learn more about this easy church fundraising idea… where everyone wins!
- Enjoy a Secret Family Recipe Potluck and create a profitable Recipe eBook to sell. See how to get lots more church fundraising ideas from this one unique event.
- Organize a Tea Towel/Dish Towel Fundraiser in which the whole congregation can participate! Learn more…
- Plan a Candle Fundraiser – it’s easy to do and very profitable. Find out how…